Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

God's Timing

Hello! This has been a long time coming! Although I would have LOVED to have started this process earlier, God has the best timing!!!!

As many of you know, when I had Andrew I had many complications and nearly died. The doctors told us that we should not plan to have anymore children because it could end in tragedy the next time. I praise the Lord for already placing a desire in my heart to adopt. Even though I would have loved to have another child of my own, I am blessed to be able to pursue adoption and be able to bring home a "little sister" for Andrew.

For as long as I can remember, we have been praying every night for God to bring us a "little sister". Andrew likes to tease me about naming her "Benelope" (Penelope). I thank God for his child faith that helps to remind me that even though it seems like it's never going to happen, it will in God's timing. One day in his sunday school class his teacher asked if the children to raise their hands if they had a little brother or sister. Andrew raised his hand that he had a little sister. (His sunday school teacher knew that his Bapa had recently bought a pony who was named "Little Sister" by the previous owner. God sure has a sense of humor!) Knowing about the pony named "Little Sister", the teacher said, "I don't mean your pony, Little Sister, Andrew". Andrew said, "No, I have a little sister. We just don't have her yet." Wow! So here we are on our way to finding Andrew a little sister. :)

We have been praying and seeking God's wisdom and timing. I had looked into adoption and done research on fundraising, but nothing had seemed right yet. Recently this last week our Pastor told us that he had a blessing for us and that he wanted to meet with us after service. When we met with him he handed us a check that he said he knew nothing about. Someone had anonymously donated a generous amount to us toward the adoption. This person knew the exact amount of the application fee to get the adoption started. Praise the Lord! Talk about bawling. :) This is the first contribution toward the adoption process of bringing home our little girl. Since this contribution, I have been researching more and Ben and I are looking for ways to raise money to get on the waiting list to be placed. It is going to take us another $3,950 just to be placed on the waiting list. Then a larger amount once we're placed. God will provide! He has already provided the application fee! So in the near future, I will be using this webpage to help get the word out about our fundraisers.

Thank you for following us on this journey to bring home Andrew's little sister!

“I prayed for this child, and the Lord had granted me what I asked of him.” 
– Samuel 1:27