Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Information Meeting

Well friends, Seahawks or Broncos? I don't favor either one. I'm just watching mainly to see the commercials. Ben felt safer driving to church alone and leaving Andrew and I at home, so here I am. What better time to update my blog right? :)

We found out recently that the next information meeting for adoption is February 20 in Fayetteville. Yay! I wish it was sooner, but it will be here before we know it. We will be going through the Little Rock office, but the information meeting alternates each month between Fayetteville and Little Rock, so the next meeting in Little Rock won't be until March 14. I am so excited for the meeting to learn more about the process. While we're waiting I have been making a list of questions to ask while there.

After the information meeting, we can do the formal application to adopt. Then the homestudy follows the approval of the application. We will need to have the homestudy completed and approved before we can do any major fundraisers. In order for businesses to donate goods or let us have a special event there, they will need to see our approved homestudy to prove that we really are going through this process and who we are adopting through.

That is all the information I have for now, but more to follow soon! :) Please continue to keep us, little sister, and her birthmom in your prayers!

But if we hope for what is still unseen by us, 
we wait for it with patience and composure. 
Romans 8:25