Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Friday, March 14, 2014

Information Meeting/First Fundraiser!!!!!

Good news!!!! We finally got to go to our information meeting about adoption! It was very informative and we also got to hear from a birth mom that placed her baby up for adoption last Fall. I really enjoyed hearing her side of the story. Hearing her side of the story opened my heart up more to a semi-open adoption. We are so excited to more forward in the process.

In addition to going to the information meeting today, I also signed up for a flower bulb fundraiser. I was excited to find this fundraiser. It is such a different fundraiser than the normal candy bars, etc. When I looked at the brochure and saw the products and the prices, I knew that it would be a great fundraiser. We will make 50%. We really need to sell 150 items or more. If we sell at least 150 items then we get free shipping. Otherwise it will be $65 just for them to ship the items to us. The products range from $6-$26 and there are a wide variety of products. The products are also guaranteed. I wish I had a tree in my front yard just so I could order a tree ring kit. :)

Here is a link to the brochure:

If you find something you like just find me or Ben at church or school or email me on facebook. We will be taking orders for 2 weeks until March 28. I will keep you updated on how many items we have sold. :)

Thank you in advance for your help and for just following our journey. We are so blessed!

Ben and Lacy

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