Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Monday, March 31, 2014

Our Little Cupcake

Well friends, you did it!!! With all of our friends and family's help through buying, donating, and getting the word out; we made the goal. We actually went over it! We hoped to get at least 150 items sold in order to get free shipping, but we sold 158 items!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This fundraiser alone through donations and items bought we raised  $1,057.50 (enough to pay for the rest of the home study and $200 more towards the next $3,000 chunk.) 


We only need to save/raise $2,800 more before we can be put on the waiting list!!! I have been trying to think of some more fundraisers and what I can do personally to raise money for the adoption. As I was laying in bed this morning, I believe the Lord gave me this idea:

All of the proceeds from my cupcake bouquets are going to go straight into the adoption fund. This one was for my niece's 3rd birthday. They are great for birthdays, anniversaries, Mother's Day, Graduation, baby showers, etc. The bouquets are $55 and I can do any flavor/color combination you would like. There are 19 cupcakes on the bouquet, so if you needed a few more that would just be a few dollars extra. If you would like to place an order for one, just email me on Facebook or leave a comment on here.

We are currently working on getting our "Formal Application" completed so that we can move on to the Home Study. Once the Home Study is completed and approved and we have paid the $3,000, we will be put on the waiting list! So that is where we are currently. We are so excited and know that God has perfect timing. He already knows who our little cupcake is and you are helping us make it happen. Thank you so much!


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