Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Sorry it's been so long since I posted last, but now I have some more good news! As many of you know we just did a bake sale at Bargain's Galore at our church for 3 days. Thanks to all of our friends and family who contributed baked goods, water, donations, and prayers we were able to raise about $700!!!! Thank you soooooooooo much!!!! God has blessed us! We are on our way to making our goal of what we need to raise to be on the waiting list. We would like to raise about $1,000 more towards our adoption.

Previously when I posted I had sent off our paperwork. The good news is that our file has been completed and passed onto the adoption specialist!!! This means that we are ready for the home study part of the process. Next week, August 21 at 9 a.m., Ben and I have a joint interview with the adoption specialist!!!!!!!!! She will interview us at their office in Little Rock for about 1.5 hrs. Once this interview is completed then we will schedule the last part of the home study where she comes to our house. After both of these interviews are completed and approved we can get on the waiting list!!! So as soon as 1-2 months we could be on the waiting list for our little girl! :) I can't hardly believe it!

Please continue to pray for us, our little girl, and her birth mother and THANK YOU for all you have done for us already. :)


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