Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Hello friends! Since the last time I posted we had our home study, did a fundraiser, and officially got on the waiting list!!!! THANK YOU to all who supported our Mums Fundraiser and also all of the other fundraisers that we have done. You have truly blessed us! 

We have received 3 emails about potential birth mothers, but today we received our first baby girl email!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! :) Please pray with us for the birth mother and the baby. They will show our profile to her this week and she is supposed to choose a family by October 10. We know that God has our baby girl somewhere, but only God knows if it is this one. So please just pray that God's will be done.

It is such an exciting time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have already began gathering important items and have been given TONS of baby girl goodies thanks to Jayme Wooten! :)

More to come soon!


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