Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Waiting Game

Hi Friends!

Has it really been since late September that I posted last?! Wow! Things have been busy.

Well, since then we have been on the waiting list, showing our profile to opportunities that come available, and also trying to raise more money to go towards the adoption. We have been on the waiting list now for about 9 months, about the amount of time you have to wait to meet your child if you're pregnant. However, our baby isn't growing in my belly, but in our hearts. The wait is hard, but we are trusting in God's PERFECT timing. We went for a period of about 9 weeks without any opportunities to show our profile, but recently there were 3, unfortunately we were not chosen for any of those, but it just wasn't God's time I guess.

On a positive note, we found out that we received a grant for our adoption!!!!!! It was a little over a 1/3 of what we have left to pay. God is good!!!! We are currently working on filling out more grant paperwork and getting ready for our next BIG fundraiser...........


We were given the opportunity to run a fireworks stand for Chris and Casandra Brewer. Our tent will be located behind the old KFC/Taco Bell in Atkins. There are 2 there, but we will be in the BIG white tent. It is the first tent you come to on that road. You would have to pass our tent to go to the other one beside us. We will be selling Sunday, June 28 - Saturday, July 4th, so come see us and please pass the word on to your friends!!!!!!!

Thank you for following us on this journey and please continue to keep us, our baby, and her birth mother in your prayers.

We hope to see you next week at our fireworks tent in Atkins!!!!!


Ben, Lacy, and Andrew

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