Help us fill little sister's shoes

Help us fill little sister's shoes

Saturday, January 2, 2016

We are blessed!!!!

Happy New Year!!!!! 

This post has been a long time coming!!!! There has been a lot happen since the last time I posted. 

We all started back to school and Football Season began. Shortly after school started back, we sold mums again to raise $ for the adoption. Once again everyone supported us beyond measure. God has always blessed any fundraiser that we have done for this adoption. Thank you for all your help! While selling mums, I met Michelle Foweler who Ben used to teach with at Danville. She does photography now and I had been wanting Fall pictures done for a long time. She was willing to work around our football season schedule, so we got some done! :)

Then, in October we were blessed with a nephew, Raylin Roy Swofford. Isn't he adoreable?!


We also were matched with a wonderful birth mother who is having a baby girl in January!!!!


 Since we found out that we were matched, we have been preparing her room, going through clothes, and going to some of the doctor appointments with the birth mother. 

Here are some pictures of her nursery:





We have enjoyed our time off for Christmas Break, but Monday we will all go back to school and soon Mia will be here!!!!! We are so excited!!!! Thank you for following us on this journey. God has been faithful!!!! We chose the name Mia Eliana because "Mia" means "wished for child" and "Eliana" means "God has answered" so we thought that fit her well. :)

Over Christmas break, we enjoyed a week up in Northwest Arkansas with my side of the family, went to Silver Dollar City, made gingerbread houses, played the Pie Face game, and even went to Andrew's favorite football player's wedding on Mt. Nebo. It's been a fun and busy 2 weeks!

Please continue to keep our birth mother, Mia, and us in your prayers. I will keep you posted! She will be here soon!!!! 

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